I realised after my last post that I should probably mention what I've been up to in my absence. Well here's my news:
- My mac died :( I hadn't backed up my files so I lost EVERYTHING. I was in a state of barely-concealed anxiety for that entire week - thank God it was repaired so quick! Major kudos to the mac geniuses that fixed it. And I'm grateful it all happened before I had to do all my big 50% assignments.
- One of my oldest friends has just come back to Australia. She's been living in America and Thailand for the past three years so it's so good to have her back!
- I'm now going to be a contributor to another blog: gen-er-a-tions. It's basically a blog that takes an insightful yet tongue-in-cheek look at the quirks of Gen Y, Z etc.
So nothing earth-shattering but there you go. I'm on mid-semester holidays now filling my time with catching up on uni work, hanging with lovely people and hopefully blogging more regularly. xx