I promised to let you know how my photography class is progressing...well I'm currently in the process of un-enrolling. Yeah I know, only three weeks in. What a cop out. But I went to my second class this afternoon and decided that it wasn't a good fit - I don't have a camera of my own to play with and that's pretty much what you have to do in the subject; play around and experiment with your camera. Plus I'm probably the most technologically-challenged person EVER and all the buttons and functions were kinda overwhelming! I think I'll stick to "appreciating" photography instead ha.
It's rare that I have an OVER-abundance of good photos to choose from but that's the predicament I face when it comes to Li Hui - too many pretty pictures! Her work has a dreamy, out-of-focus aesthetic (which is everywhere, I know) but she throws in these vibrant colours - a lot like Sharon Gong's older stuff.
Speaking of photography, I'm actually doing a photography class at uni this semester. I haven't had much experience taking proper photos so this could be interesting (although I did work as a Santa's photographer over the summer haha). My first assignment is to take some pictorialist shots. I'm getting my lovely friend Faye to dress up in Victorian-esque garb and I'll take some snaps...if they're any good, I'll post them here for all to see. xx
I finally saw The King's Speech yesterday. Now I know what all the Oscars buzz was about - such a good film! Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush were fantastic. Go watch it if you get the chance, before it leaves the cinemas.
Wow it's been more than two weeks since I last posted...I apologize profusely for my slackness! I think I just didn't have anything that merited posting - things in my life were plodding along the same as usual (working/bludging) and I also hadn't found any pretty pictures for y'all that I personally liked.
Anyways, I'm in my second week back at uni which is going good so far. I've seen people I haven't seen in aaaages which is always nice and I'm feeling nervous/excited about the creative writing subject I'm studying this semester. I'll let you know how it all progresses...