Source: Ada Hamza
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Monday, September 12, 2011
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I've been at home today working on my final creative writing assignment. Writing is such a funny process; sometimes you get flow and other days it's like flogging the proverbial dead horse. Today I have creative flow :) I've got my idea, my characters, the plot and all that sorted for my short story. Just have to write it out properly now.
Source: Liza Shelestun
Monday, May 9, 2011
Saturday, May 7, 2011
What a lovely day it's been! The weather's been amazing and I had brunch and went to the Valley markets with some gal pals. I think I needed a day like this; the last few days have been a wee bit stressful for me.
So many people freak out about leaving teenage-dom behind them but I'm so excited about entering the twenties! It's the time when you finish uni, you can finally get a decent job (well I hope to anyway!), you get to travel more and discover more about yourself. I can't wait!! x
Source: Hasisi Park
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Reading too many books at the moment. Five to be exact. One of which is The Little Prince which I'm enjoying so far. If you've read it, what did you think of it?
Source: Cameron Smith, Viktor Vauthier
Monday, April 25, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
I realised after my last post that I should probably mention what I've been up to in my absence. Well here's my news:
- My mac died :( I hadn't backed up my files so I lost EVERYTHING. I was in a state of barely-concealed anxiety for that entire week - thank God it was repaired so quick! Major kudos to the mac geniuses that fixed it. And I'm grateful it all happened before I had to do all my big 50% assignments.
- One of my oldest friends has just come back to Australia. She's been living in America and Thailand for the past three years so it's so good to have her back!
- I'm now going to be a contributor to another blog: gen-er-a-tions. It's basically a blog that takes an insightful yet tongue-in-cheek look at the quirks of Gen Y, Z etc.
Source: Lauren Colton
Monday, April 18, 2011
Talk about M.I.A...I can't even remember the last time I posted! I've been a total nerd this semester (that's my excuse) but now that I'm finally on holidays I'm back! Celebrating right now with some yummy yummy drinks, blasting Robyn and Britney. Good times :)
Source: Viktor Vauthier
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I promised to let you know how my photography class is progressing...well I'm currently in the process of un-enrolling. Yeah I know, only three weeks in. What a cop out. But I went to my second class this afternoon and decided that it wasn't a good fit - I don't have a camera of my own to play with and that's pretty much what you have to do in the subject; play around and experiment with your camera. Plus I'm probably the most technologically-challenged person EVER and all the buttons and functions were kinda overwhelming! I think I'll stick to "appreciating" photography instead ha.
Source: Natalie Off Duty
Friday, March 11, 2011
It's rare that I have an OVER-abundance of good photos to choose from but that's the predicament I face when it comes to Li Hui - too many pretty pictures! Her work has a dreamy, out-of-focus aesthetic (which is everywhere, I know) but she throws in these vibrant colours - a lot like Sharon Gong's older stuff.
Speaking of photography, I'm actually doing a photography class at uni this semester. I haven't had much experience taking proper photos so this could be interesting (although I did work as a Santa's photographer over the summer haha). My first assignment is to take some pictorialist shots. I'm getting my lovely friend Faye to dress up in Victorian-esque garb and I'll take some snaps...if they're any good, I'll post them here for all to see. xx
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