Thursday, February 24, 2011




While I was out today I bumped into a friend from uni who reminded me just how ridiculously soon it is until we go back - only five days left! Geeeez. I mean I'm neither excited nor dreading it but I certainly haven't mentally prepared myself for another year of study. Like every other student, I've made resolutions to apply myself more this year. I was one of those kids that always did well at school but since I've come to uni, I've been cruising through, skipping classes here and there. But with only a year and a half left I'm determined to boost my GPA and get those elusive 6s and 7s. Wish me luck!


  1. I'm really pushing myself this year, both physically (I'm getting a fitness programme personally drawn up for me) and mentally (I try and do lots of reading after my lectures for more background understanding). Plus I'm trying - amongst all this - to find more time for myself. To read good fiction, just sit in the bath and to watch my favourite films.

    Wish me luck! (I'll need it!)

  2. GREAT blog. am linking you to mine.

  3. I love the photos above. They're carefree. Thanks for sharing the photos and drop by me too, soon.



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